Friday, January 24, 2014

Nick Parson's Elbow Issues

Nick had always used a straight handle, Team 13" (.970), strung up rope exposed around the grommet in spectra rope with tubing on the V.  In 2012 he had me string up a bent handle because he had started having elbow issues; his ski partner, Chris Rossi, skis with a bent handle.  Then last season Nick wanted to try a Team 13" Bent handle in two different sizes, (1.03) and (1.06), strung up in the Anti-Roll System (ARS) with endcaps in polypro rope.  He ended up liking the (1.06) diameter.

For the start of the 2014 ski season, Nick will be skiing with a Team 13" (1.06) Bent handle strung up rope exposed around the grommet with spectra rope in the Anti-Roll System (ARS) with orange Xtreme tape (he doesn't like the tubing).  This 2014 Nick Parson's In Tow Handle is a combination of the things he liked about his rope exposed spectra handle and his ARS handle.

I asked Nick some questions about his elbow pain...bent handle...diameter sizes...ARS:

When I started to use clinchers I went to the bigger diameter handle. If I went back to normal gloves I'd go back to the narrow handle so it would fit in my fingers better.

When I switched to the bent handle it helped my elbows almost instantly. I recommend the bent handle all the time to people with sore elbows.

The ARS was just something new I wanted to try. I ski with Chris Rossi a lot and he had an ARS and liked it so I thought I'd try it.  I'm not sure if it helped my elbows.  I do like the ARS after using it most of the summer. If you could make it with spectra that would be the all time best handle!

I didn't notice any elbow pain difference with diameter. The elbow pain relief came from the bent handle only in my opinion. 

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